Archive for author jodi-l

How to Stay Afloat as a Merchant Cash Advance Broker

This is how a Merchant Cash Advance Broker can Rake it in A merchant cash advance broker operates according to a straightforward principle. Find those who need funding and the funders who can supply the funds,...

Merchant Cash Advance Providers Find Themselves in the Crosshairs of the Nanny State

For all the advancements our society has gone through and the benefits they have brought, there was always a strong desire by many for things to stay the same. To maintain the status quo. And whenever...

Half of All Small Business Plan to Take Out a Cash Advance in 2019

Half of All Small Business Plan to Take Out a Cash Advance in 2019 In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis, the small business sector in the United States has grown at an unprecedented rate....

The 5 Key Financial Metrics Small Business Owners Should Know

Although the economy has mostly recovered from the effects of the Global Financial Crisis, the climate is still largely uncertain for small businesses. According to statistics, more than 20% of small businesses fail within their first year,...

6 Artificial Intelligence Trends That Could Impact Your Business in 2019

In the past two years, some of the world’s biggest companies have started experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI)-powered technologies. They were mostly driven by the curiosity factor, as well as the prospect of being able to...

Is a Merchant Cash Advance Good for Your Small Business?

If you own a small business and you need financial support, a merchant cash advance (MCA) may look like a viable option. But keep in mind that this may not be an ideal choice for you...